This self test on the Harmony of the Gospels is based on the Beginning Ministry of Jesus Christ and Galilean Ministry, sections 24 - 51. Before you attempt to answer the questions below you should read these sections of the Harmony of the Gospels and answer the questions at the end of each section found at the website Answer the questions below and then click "OK" to send your answers. The numbers in the parenthesis after the questions correspond to the Section of the Harmony of the Gospels from which the question is based.

question 1

Give the reason Jesus gave as to why He needed to be baptized. (24)

A To be an example
B For the remission of sins
C To fulfil all righteousness
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 2

What did the voice from heavens say at the baptism of Jesus? (24)

A Behold the Lamb of God
B This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased
C This is my beloved Son, Hear Him
D He shall reign forever and of his kingdon there shall be no end
E None of the above

question 3

How long was Jesus tempted in the wilderness? (25)

A One day
B Three days
C Twelve days
D Forty days
E None of the above

question 4

What was the chief weapon that Jesus used in resisting temptation? (25)

A Name of the Lord
B Spirit of God
C Word of God
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 5

What did John the Baptist say regarding Jesus? (27)

A Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
B He shall reign forever and of his kingdon there shall be no end
C We have found the Messiah
D We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote; Jesus of Nazareth
E None of the above

question 6

Who did Andrew introduce to Jesus? (28)

A Bartholomew
B Nathaniel
C Philip
D Simon Peter
E None of the above

question 7

What was the first miracle that Jesus performed? (29)

A Cleansing lepers
B Healing the blind
C Turning water into wine
D Unstopping deaf ears
E None of the above

question 8

After Jesus overthrew the money changer's table and the Jews asked for a sign, what sign did Jesus say he would give? (31)

A As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up
B Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up
C The sign of the prophet Jonah
D Thou shalt see the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven
E None of the above

question 9

How can a man be born again? (32)

A Accept Jesus as personal Savior
B Be born of the water and Spirit
C Believe on the Lord Jesus
D Join a good Christian church
E None of the above

question 10

What did John say about about his relationship with Christ? (33)

A Friend of the bridegroom
B He must increase, but I must decrease
C The voice of one crying in the wilderness: "Make straight the way of the LORD"
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 11

What did Jesus ask for from the Samaritan woman? (35)

A A place to sit
B Directions
C Food
D Water
E None of the above

question 12

In the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman and what showed his divinity? (35)

A Healing her daughter
B His knowledge of her past and present
C His knowledge of Scripture
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 13

What caused most of the Samaritans to believe? (35)

A John the Baptist
B Miracles
C The word of the woman
D The words of Jesus
E None of the above

question 14

What did Jesus tell the nobleman to do in order for his son to be healed? (38)

A Go thy way; thy son liveth
B Have faith in God
C Show his son to the priest
D This kind only comes out by prayer and fasting
E None of the above

question 15

What book did they hand Jesus to read in the synagogue at Nazareth? (39)

A Deuteronomy
B Jeremiah
C Joel
D Malachi
E None of the above

question 16

How did Jesus escape from the people of Nazareth? (39)

A A garrison of Roman soldiers delivered Him
B Angels blinded their eyes
C He passed through the midst of them
D He was lowered over a wall in a basket
E None of the above

question 17

Who was the father of James and John? (41)

A Zaccheus
B Zebulun
C Zedekiah
D Zechariah
E None of the above

question 18

What does the Bible say that caused the people to be astonished at the teaching of Jesus compared to that of the scribes and Pharisees? (42)

A Even the winds and waves obeyed his voice
B He lived what he taught
C He taught them as having authority
D His teaching was more accurate
E None of the above

question 19

What did Jesus do for Peter's mother-in-law? (43)

A Healed her of a fever
B Healed her of an issue of blood
C Healed her of palsy
D Healed her of a withered arm
E None of the above

question 20

What did Jesus say to the leper that He cleansed? (45)

A Go and sin no more
B Go your way, show yourself to the priest
C Take up your bed and walk
D Your sins are forgiven you
E None of the above

question 21

What was the first thing that Jesus said to the man with palsy who was lowered down through the roof? (46)

A Go and sin no more
B Go your way, show yourself to the priest
C Take up your bed and walk
D Your sins are forgiven you
E None of the above

question 22

What was Matthew's occupation before becoming a disciple of Jesus? (47)

A Fisherman
B Farmer
C Physician
D Scribe
E None of the above

question 23

What illustration did Jesus use to show that he should eat with publicans and sinners? (47)

A New wine in new wineskins
B Piece from a new garment put on an old garment
C The parable of the wheat and the tares
D They that are whole do not need a physician
E None of the above

question 24

What did Jesus say bore witness of Him? (49)

A The works that He did
B The Father
C The Scriptures
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 25

What did Jesus say with regard to the Sabbath? (50)

A I desire mercy and not sacrifice
B The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath
C The Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath
D All of the above
E None of the above

Thank you for taking the test.