This self test on the Harmony of the Gospels is based on The Galilean Ministry - Part 2, sections 52 - 64. Before you attempt to answer the questions below you should read these sections of the Harmony of the Gospels and answer the questions at the end of each section found at the website Answer the questions below and then click "OK" to send your answers. The numbers in the parenthesis after the questions correspond to the Section of the Harmony of the Gospels from which the question is based.

question 1

How long did Jesus pray before choosing the twelve? (53)

A All night
B One day
C Three days
D Forty days
E None of the above

question 2

In all the lists of the twelve whose name is mentioned first? (53)

A Andrew
B James
C John
D Matthew
E None of the above

question 3

In the "Sermon on the Mount" who did Jesus say would see God? (54)

A Meek
B Merciful
C Peacemakers
D Pure in heart
E None of the above

question 4

In the "Sermon on the Mount" what did Jesus say 'you are the...'? (54)

A Chosen generation
B Royal Priesthood
C Salt of the earth
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 5

In the "Sermon on the Mount" what things did Jesus say should be done in secret? (54)

A Giving
B Fasting
C Praying
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 6

What example in nature did Jesus give us showing us God's provision? (54)

A Ants
B Birds
C Conies
D Spiders
E None of the above

question 7

What is known as the golden rule? (54)

A Love your neighbor as yourself
B Pray for them that despitefully use you
C Whatsoever you want men to do to you, do also to them
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 8

What contrasts did Jesus make in the "Sermon on the Mount"? (54)

A Narrow and wide gates
B Strait and broad ways
C Good and corrupt trees
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 9

What was it about the centurion that caused Jesus to marvel? (55)

A Discipline
B Faith
C Knowledge
D Perserverance
E None of the above

question 10

What did Jesus encounter at the city called Nain? (56)

A Funeral
B Opposition
C Pharisees
D Wedding
E None of the above

question 11

Of whom did Jesus say there has not arisen a greater born among women? (57)

A Elijah
B Moses
C Isaiah
D Solomon
E None of the above

question 12

To those that labor and are heavy laden and come to Jesus, what did He promise to give? (58)

A Joy
B Peace
C Rest
D Righteousness
E None of the above

question 13

What did Matthew say Jesus knew about the scribes when they accused Him of casting out devils by Beeelzebub? (61)

A Their sins
B Their past
C Their thoughts
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 14

When the scribes and Pharisees wanted to see a sign what sign did Jesus say would be given to the evil and adulterous generation? (62)

A As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up
B Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up
C The sign of the prophet Jonah
D Thou shalt see the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven
E None of the above

question 15

Who did Jesus claim to be greater than? (62)

A Abraham
B David
C Moses
D Solomon
E None of the above

question 16

In the parable of the sower what does the seed represent? (64)

A Faith
B Spirit of God
C Water baptism
D Word of God
E None of the above

question 17

Which of the following parables is not found in Matthew Chapter 13? (64)

A Hid treasure
B Mustard seed
C Pearl of great price
D Talents
E Tares

Thank you for taking the test.