This is a self-test on chapters 1 - 14 of the book of Matthew. Before you attempt to answer the questions below you should read these chapters in the Bible and answer the questions at the end of each chapter found at the website Answer the questions below and then click "OK" to send your answers.

question 1

Stepfather of Jesus (1:18-19)

A Joseph
B Simeon
C Theophilus
D Zacharias
E None of the above

question 2

Meaning of Immanuel. (1:23)

A Glory to God
B God with us
C Jehovah is become my Salvation
D Savior
E None of the above

question 3

In what physical structure did the wise men find Jesus? (2:11)

A House
B Stable
C Tabernacle
D Temple
E None of the above

question 4

Where did Joseph and Mary go when fleeing from Herod? (2:13)

A Babylon
B Egypt
C Galilee
D Nazareth
E None of the above

question 5

Give the reason Jesus gave as to why He needed to be baptize (3:15)

A To be an example
B For the remission of sins
C To fulfill all righteousness
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 6

In the "Sermon on the Mount" who did Jesus say would see God? (5:8)

A Meek
B Merciful
C Peacemakers
D Pure in heart
E None of the above

question 7

In the "Sermon on the Mount" what did Jesus say 'you are ...'? (5:13)

A Chosen generation
B Royal priesthood
C Salt of the earth
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 8

In the "Sermon on the Mount" what things did Jesus say should be done in secret? (6:1-18)

A Giving
B Fasting
C Praying
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 9

What example in nature did Jesus give us showing us God's provision? (6:26)

A Ants
B Birds
C Conies
D Spiders
E None of the above

question 10

What contrasts did Jesus make in the "Sermon on the Mount"? (7:13-18)

A Strait and wide gates
B Narrow and broad ways
C Good and corrupt trees
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 11

What was it about the centurion that caused Jesus to marvel? (8:10)

A Discipline
B Faith
C Knowledge
D Perseverance
E None of the above

question 12

What was Matthew's occupation before becoming a disciple of Jesus? (9:9)

A Fisherman
B Farmer
C Physician
D Scribe
E None of the above

question 13

What illustration did Jesus use to show that he should eat with publicans and sinners? (9:11-12)

A New wine in new wineskins
B Piece from a new garment put on an old garment
C The parable of the wheat and the tares
D They that are whole do not need a physician
E None of the above

question 14

What question did Jesus ask the blind men to strengthen their faith? (9:28)

A Do you believe that I am able to do this?
B Do you believe you will be healed when I touch you?
C Do you want to be made well?
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 15

What was the Lord's prayer request? (9:38)

A For His daily bread
B For the truth to be revealed
C That He would be delivered from unjust men
D That the Lord of the harvest would send forth laborers
E None of the above

question 16

What did Jesus say are all numbered? (10:30)

A Cattle on a thousand hills
B Dust on the seashore
C Hairs on your head
D Stars in the sky
E None of the above

question 17

What little act did Jesus say would be rewarded? (10:42)

A Giving a cup of cold water
B Paying tithe
C Taking care of children
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 18

Of whom did Jesus say there has NOT arisen a greater born among women? (11:11)

A Elijah
B John the Baptist
C Moses
D Isaiah
E None of the above

question 19

To those that labor and are heavy laden and come to Jesus, what did He promise to give? (11:28)

A Joy
B Peace
C Rest
D Righteousness
E None of the above

question 20

What did Jesus know about the scribes when they accused Him of casting out devils by Beeelzebub? (12:24-25)

A Their sins
B Their past
C Their thoughts
D All of the above
E None of the above

question 21

What sign did Jesus say would be given to the evil and adulterous generation? (12:38-40)

A As Moses lifted up the serpent … so must the Son of Man be lifted up
B Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up
C The sign of the prophet Jonah
D Thou shalt see the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven
E None of the above

question 22

Who did Jesus claim to be greater than? (12:41-42)

A Abraham
B David
C Elijah
D Moses
E None of the above

question 23

What limited Jesus' works in his own country? (13:58)

A His background in carpentry
B Opposition of the Pharisees
C Their familiarity with Him
D Unbelief
E None of the above

question 24

After Jesus sent the multitudes away what did Jesus do? (14:23)

A Counseled with his disciples
B Got into a boat
C Slept
D Went up into the mountain to pray
E None of the above

question 25

What was Peter's prayer when he was sinking in the water? (14:30)

A God be merciful to me a sinner
B Help me, I am drowning
C Lord, save me
D Remember me when you come into your kingdom
E None of the above

Thank you for taking the test.