&magicnumber=14&question1=Where did Adam and Eve live before they fell to sin? &question2=What city was destroyed by fire and brimstone? &question3=Into what country was Joseph sold?&question4=Through what body of water did the Israelites cross on dry ground but Egyptians were drowned?&question5=Where did Moses receive the ten commandments? &question6=The walls of what city fell flat after Israel marched around it for seven days? &question7=Where did Solomon build the temple? &question8=Where did Elijah show Israel the true God by calling down fire from heaven?&question9=Of what nation was Nebuchadnezzar king? &question10=To what city did the Lord ask Jonah to go and cry against?&question11=Where Jesus was born? &question12=Where did Jesus spend his childhood? &question13=Where was Jesus baptized? &question14=Where was Jesus crucified?&question15=&question16=&question17=&question18=&question19=&question20=&answer1=Garden of Eden &answer2=Sodom&answer3=Egypt &answer4=Red Sea &answer5=Sinai &answer6=Jericho&answer7=Jerusalem &answer8=Mt. Carmel&answer9=Babylon &answer10=Nineveh&answer11=Bethlehem&answer12=Nazareth&answer13=Jordan River &answer14=Golgotha &answer15=&answer16=&answer17=&answer18=&answer19=&answer20=&gamename=Geography1&loadresult=Load Success!