Bee Format Games
Instructions for Bee Format (For any size group)
1. Use PowerPoint quizzes that have the answers after the question but no timing.
2. Split the group into two teams with the same number on each team. If you want you could have two captains choose their teams, but this can take time. So the easiest way is to just have those on one side of the room be on one team and those on the other side of the room be the other team. The teams should have the same number on each side plus or minus one.
3. Have one team line up on one side of the room and the other team on another side.
4. One person must be the moderator and not play in the game.
5. The moderator selects the quiz.
6. The moderator reads and shows on a screen the first question to the first member of team one.
7. If that person answers correctly he or she remains standing and the moderator will ask a new question to the first member of team two. If the person in team one answers incorrectly that person must sit down and the same question is read to the first member of team two. If that person answers correctly he or she remains standing. If that person answers incorrectly he or she must sit down.
8. A new question will then be asked to the next member of team one. A procedure similar to step 7 is again followed substituting the word “next” for “first.”
9. If any one other than the one being asked the question tries to give answers that person also must sit down.
10. The procedure is continued until only one team has members standing and that team is declared the winner. You may continue until just one person is standing to determine the individual winner.
11. If a time limit is reached then the team with the most still standing is declared the winner.
12. A variety to this game would be to have just one line of players and go down the line asking the questions. If the group is small enough have their names written on separate popsicle sticks (or other material) and place in a can. Draw their name to determine who is asked the next question. When all players have been asked a question, put the sticks of those still standing back in the can and repeat the procedure.