Moehlenpah is a seasoned minister with many years
experience as a Bible instructor as well as secular
teacher. His seminars and books have contributed to
the enhancement of the teaching ministry across
North America
and in other countries. He has a deep concern for
Sunday school teachers and stays abreast of the
latest cultural and technological trends and methods
for reaching this contemporary generation."
---- Gary D. Erickson, General Sunday
School Director, United Pentecostal Church
"I was introduced to Bro Moehlenpah's ministry
while attending a special meeting of Sunday school
directors in St Louis, MO. I was so impressed by his
presentation I had to have him come to Virginia for
a district teachers training seminar. Our teachers
were impacted and motivated by his awesome power
point presentation and volume of information that he
made available. Months afterwards we still enjoyed
the books and CD resources made available at the
seminar. Bro & Sis Moehlenpah blessed our teachers.
I highly recommend you allow them to bless yours
---- Mike Easter, Newport News, VA

"We recently began a new series of teacher
training which I am instructing. We have a
total of 18 students and they are so excited to be part of
this class. I mentioned to them that I had the
privilege to actually learn in person from you.
Since Bible college, I have taught many from your
books and successfully graduated several dozens from
your instruction. So let me again thank you for
being such a blessing to all of us, even as far
reaching as the West Pacific.
---- Ron de Guzman,
Guam |