The 2016 Bible Reading Schedule (formerly known as the 2010 BREAD (Bible Reading Enriches Any Day) Program) covers the entire Bible in one year with some scriptures each day from both the Old and New Testaments. Those with less available time or desiring to read along with their children, might consider reading just the New Testament portion of the Daily Reading Schedule. In either case please consider using the review questions after each chapter and the quizzes included on each book of the Bible.
To read the daily Scripture and answer the review questions click on the portion of scripture in the chart below. In many cases in the New Testament a chapter is divided into two or three days. In these cases the link will always go to the start of the chapter. Scroll down to where the next days reading begins.
To keep track of your reading you may wish to take screen shots of the Bible reading schedule and print it.
To read in another version or listen to the portion of scripture click
here. In
the "Search by Passage" box type the book of the Bible and
the chapter (e.g. Gen 37). Also, select the version and then click "go." For the OT only the KJV and NIV versions have voice available. For the NT only the CEV, ESV, NASB, and NIV versions have voice available. After listening to and/or reading the scripture please answer the related study questions.