Healing Study Questions 

©2003-2016 by Arlo E. Moehlenpah


We welcome any comments or suggestions.

First let me give my testimony. You may skip it and go directly to the lesson on healing.

My Testimony Regarding Prostate Cancer 
After returning from Madagascar in September, 2002 I had a urinary type sickness and blood samples showed abnormal PSA levels. Two urologists recommended having a biopsy of the prostate gland, which was done in December. I was diagnosed with stage T1c prostate cancer after they concluded that 8 of the 10 samples were cancerous. This was confirmed in a second opinion by the Stanford Medical center. I did considerable research and concluded that the best two treatments for prostate cancer were IMRT and Proton Beam Treatment. Neither were covered by Kaiser so I switched insurance from  Kaiser-Permanente to AARP in order that I could be treated by either of these methods.

However, during this time several things happened.
1. Many people like you prayed for me.
2. Our cell group leader, Larry Kimball, without knowing my condition, mentioned that the central verse of the Bible is Psalms 118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man".
3. On December 15, Art Hodges taught the Sunday School lesson "The healing touch" where the woman had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse."  Then she touched Jesus.
4. On January 6, I taught on "Miracles of Jesus over Nature and Disease." This was scheduled before I knew I had cancer.
5. In February Jeff Arnold, whom I had not previously met personally, called and invited me to come to Gainesville to speak in March.
6. On February 27, Ed Sandez wanted to use my screen in order to show a video of Jeff Arnold speaking at the Because of the Times conference. Since I was going to Gainesville I decided to hear his message, which it turned out emphasized healing.
7. On March 5, I flew to Gainesville and found that Jeff. Arnold, without him knowing of my condition, wanted to talk much about the healing power of Jesus.
8. On March 7, the two of us went to the Florida District conference and after the service spent several hours discussing the miraculous with George Craft and Kevin Arthur. It was not until the end of this session that I revealed to Jeff Arnold my diagnosis. The three of them prayed for me.

9. Since I did not know whether I was healed or not I decided to arrange for another PSA test. Prostate cancer seems to have little or no symptoms. On March 27 I had another blood sample taken.
10. On April 8, Dr. Ganiats called me with the results. The PSA was 2.6 and the free PSA was 19%. 

My PSA levels have been as follows
6/06/00    2.42
3/14/02    3.10
10/19/02   6.63
11/04/02   4.23
3/27/03      2.6

11. On April 22 I met with Dr. Ganiats to discuss my situation. I told him that I had been prayed for. He looked at the results of my tests and said "You are weird". What I believe he meant was that the PSA does not normally drop like this. He said that as a scientist he would need to have another test done. So he ordered another PSA test.

12. On about April 25 he called me with the results. My PSA had dropped to 2.01

13. I then called Loma Linda Medical Center and canceled my treatments which were scheduled to begin May 5.

I am really encouraged that the PSA level has dropped to less than what it was three years ago. I want you to know I appreciate you praying for me. You have not been praying to a god of metal, stone or wood that cannot hear. You have been praying to Jesus, the God who hears and answers prayer. He is the one who healed all manner of sicknesses as recorded in the Bible and is the same yesterday, today and forever. He healed all that were sick that Isaiah's prophecy saying "Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses" might be fulfilled. Thank you for praying. I have not had great faith. I am more like the man who said "Lord I believe, help thou mine unbelief." The doctor has not said I am healed. He probably would not do this without another biopsy for which I am not prepared to undergo. Since I have no different symptoms than I have had for twenty years I am walking by faith and not by sight. God is so good to me!

2/17/10 Update. I recommend the Great Physician, Jesus Christ!

12/27/13 Update. Yesterday Jane and I celebrated our 55th anniversary. It has been over 13 years since I was diagnosed with cancer..





 I.      The Cause of Sickness

1.       What seems to be the origin of sickness? (Genesis 2:16-17)

 2.       If Adam had not sinned how long would he have lived? (Genesis 3:22-23)

  3.       What was the source of Job's sickness? (Job 2:7)

  4.       What was the cause of the condition of the demented man of Gadara ? (Mark 5:2-15)

   5.       What caused the woman to be bowed over for eighteen years? (Luke 13:11,16)

 6.       What shows that there is a connection between sickness and sin?

        a.       (James 5:13-17)

         b.       (John 5:14)

 7.       Is all sickness the result of the sick person’s sin? (John 9:2-3)

 II.       Healing in the Old Testament

  1.       What is the earliest promise of healing in the Bible? (Exodus 15:26)

  2.       What condition was placed on this promise of healing? (Exodus 15:26)

  3.       What type of Christ on the cross was one that was for healing of the body? (Numbers 21:6-9,                    John 3:14-16)

 4.       What shows that David believed in healing? (Psalms 103:2-3)

 5.       Who in the Old Testament had to learn the lesson of humble, obedient faith before he could be healed?  (2 Kings 5)

 III. Healing While Jesus Was Physically Here On Earth

  1.       What kind of sicknesses did Jesus heal? (Matthew 4:23)

 2.       What kind of sicknesses did Jesus give his disciples power to heal? (Matthew 10:1)

 3.       What shows that Jesus did not limit His healing to just a few?

        a.       (Mark 6:56 )

        b.   (Luke 9:11 )

 4.       How did Jesus heal the fever of Peter's mother-in-law? (Luke 4:38-39)

 5.       How did Jesus answer those who came from John the Baptist wondering if Jesus was the Messiah? (Luke  7:19-22)

 6.       What shows that Jesus did not have to be physically present in order for healing to occur?

        a.       (Matthew 8:5-13

         b.       (John 4:46-53)

 IV. The Price Jesus Paid For Our Healing

  1.       What did Isaiah prophecy regarding what the Messiah would suffer to purchase our healing? (Isaiah 53:4-5)

  2.       What shows that Jesus fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy? (Matt 8:16 -17, 1 Peter 2:24)

  3.       What was the purpose of the healing miracles of Jesus? (Discussion question)

V. Healing After Jesus Ascended

  1.       What shows that Jesus intended for healing to be a part of our ministry? (Mark 16:17-18,20)

  2.       How should our works compare to the works done by Jesus while on earth? (John 14:12-14)

 3.       In the Book of Acts who besides the apostles were involved in healing? (Acts 6:8, 8:6-7)

 4.       What among the gifts of the spirit involves healing? (1 Corinthians 12:9-10)

 5.       What did James instruct the elders of the church to do? (James 5:14-16)

 6.       What did John wish for Gaius? (3 John 1-3)

 VI. Other Thoughts Regarding Healing

  1.       What did Jesus do first for the paralyzed man? (Mark 2:1-12)

  2.       Is it easier for Christ to heal or to forgive? (Mark 2:1-12)

  3.       Who was uncertain about Jesus' willingness to heal? (Mark 1:40-42)

 4.       To whom was the cleansed leper to show himself? (Mark 1:44 )

 5.       What did Jesus tell the man of Gadara to do after his deliverance? (Mark 5:19 )

 6.       To whom did Peter give credit for the healing of the lame man? (Acts 3:16 , 4:10 )

 7.       Do things ever appear to get worse after prayer has been made? (Mark 9:26 )

 8.       Is there ever an instance in the Bible where healing was in stages? (Mark 8:22-25)

 9.       What is the effect of healing on the unsaved? (Acts 9:34-35)

 10.   What seems to be the necessary ingredient in obtaining healing? 

         a.  (Matthew 9:29)

         b.  (Luke 8:48)

 11.   What are some other examples of individuals acting on their faith? 

         a.  (John 5:9)

         b.  (Matthew 12:13)

         c.  (John 9:7)

 12.   Whose faith obtained healing for the paralytic man? (Mark 2:1-12)

 13.   What two people did Jesus commend for their faith?

        a.       (Matthew 8:5-13)

         b.       (Matthew 15:28)

 14.   Why were the disciples not able to cast out the spirit from the demon-possessed boy? (Matthew 17:19-20)

 15.   What did Jesus say was possible to him who believes? (Mark 9:23 )

  16.   What honest prayer did the father of the demon-possessed son pray? (Mark 9:24 )

  17.   What is the purpose of miracles in the church today? (Discussion question)

  18.   What faith strengthening questions did Jesus ask people who wanted healing?

        a.       (John 5:6)

        b.       (Matthew 9:28)

 19.   If you were riding in a car with Jesus and asked Him if He would heal you, how do you think Jesus would reply? (Discussion question)

 VII. Other Questions for Discussion

 1.   Was Paul's "thorn in the flesh" sickness? (2 Corinthians 12:7)

2.   What was the lame man at Bethesda hoping for in order to be healed? (John 5:3-4,7)

 3.   Where did God prescribed medical "means"? (Discussion question)

4.   Who suffered many things of many physicians, spent all that she had, and got worse rather than better?      (Mark 5:25-26)

5.   Who seems to have abandoned his medical practice in order to do evangelistic works? (Colossians 4:14)

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