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Trip to France July 8-16, 2005

Arlo flew from San Diego on July 8 arriving in Paris on July 9. There is a time difference of nine hours between San Diego and Paris. He spoke at the church (Centre Evangélique Le Rocher, Melun, France) Sunday morning on "The Fear of the Lord"  and Tuesday on "Human Reasoning versus Divine Wisdom.". Monday through Wednesday he taught four hours each day at the Bible College (Institut Biblique Fancais, Melun, France) on Creation versus evolution, Thursday on Teacher training and Friday on Personal Finance. Saturday July 16 he flew back to San Diego.


Each morning the students and staff gather for a prayer and devotional at 7:30 AM Missionary John Nowacki is shown translating for Arlo Moehlenpah
Arlo teaching regarding "Living Charts" Students involved in the "Living Chart"
Edwin Nowacki and Arlo Missionaries John and Anne Nowacki

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