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                                              December 2002

Dear Friends,

This has been a very busy year—approximately 50,000 air miles for Arlo’s speaking engagements with extra driving miles!


·   Virginia and Massachusetts - Rhode Island Districts, and Fairfield, CA for Teacher Training Seminars

·   A Christian School student convention in Oregon to present Creation versus Evolution.

·   Additionally, Arlo also spoke at twenty-five churches and schools in various states. At River Falls, Wisconsin, as he walked off the platform to begin the session, he missed a step and fell, knocked his computer to the floor and bruised his knee quite a bit. He told the people, “I really fell for this church!” Fortunately the computer and his knee are OK!

·   General SS Division, Global Training Institute, and the Bible College seminars in St. Louis

·   The School of Missions in Carlinville, IL to present his Bible Study Guides to the missionaries

·   UPCI General Conference in Phoenix where Arlo presented a Teacher Training Session.

·   The Steadfast conference in Indianapolis for a short session on Creation versus Evolution

·   The Institute for Creation Research asked Arlo to do a 30 day tour in April. Arlo spoke at churches and schools of various denominations in MO, KS and IL, a total of 54 sessions during the 30 days.

·   Arlo went to Mauritius and Madagascar off the East coast of Africa ,    primarily to train pastors in teaching techniques. He was also the Bible teacher for their general conferences and spoke at a Bible college graduation. He wrote a five page summary of this exciting trip. Among other things his luggage did not catch up with him for nine days!  

 ·   Arlo refined his Bible Challenge. It’s available at and in printed form. In brief, read the New Testament this year, answer the study questions for each chapter and take a number of quizzes on the website. (Only you will know how you do.) If he could motivate you to read the Bible more during this coming year he would feel successful.

We think you will enjoy the Challenge and profit much as the Lord speaks to you when you read His Word.

·   Printed Bible Study Guides in English and Spanish

·   Added voice to his Creation CD

·   Wrote lessons on Faith , Sin, Repentance, Water Baptism, and Receiving the Holy Ghost

·   Arlo taught two weeks on Creation at ABI in St. Paul and is teaching Gospels at the Christian Service Training Institute here

   in the San Diego area (taught Genesis earlier). Arlo was elected chairman of CSTI this year (as if he didn't have enough to do.)


   Family News:

·   Redecorated our home—new flooring and carpet. Jane still has other ideas she wants to implement.

·   Went Whale Watching (we saw some too!) Ferried to the San Juan Islands in Washington  

with Jocelyn, Arlo’s sister. Deep sea fishing with Sam, Visited Nantucket Island and Plymouth, MA with Steve and Muriel Mathias (That’s Muriel in the picture with us.)

·   The family went to Ed's in San Jose for Thanksgiving.

·   Ed is a consultant at Hewlett-Packard through the company he works for. He's is getting more experienced with woodworking projects for relaxation (Lina has some projects).The whole family enjoys dirt biking.

·   Glenda started her own business this year. Her website is  She is a Registered Investment Adviser and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM  

·   Sam and Kerri are both counseling. In January they began assisting at a church in Poway, CA. This month they sold their home in La Mesa and moved closer to the church. Their new address is: 11099 Kite Hill Lane, San Diego, CA 92126. They are expecting their first baby (a girl) at the end of March.

Arlo and Jane Moehlenpah


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