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Arlo and Jane Moehlenpah Newsletters  2001      2002       2003     2004    2005    2006    2007   2008   2009




Text Box: Europe

Text Box: Lina, Ed Jaron, Krista, Kayla
Text Box: Our
this year included
a January trip to St. Louis, MO
where Arlo took part in a Bible College meeting
and taped two sessions for the "There Is Hope For Today"
UPCI radio program. In February we took a four day
cruise with ministers and wives from our
section in California.
Arlo went to Austria, Slovakia, Serbia and
Hungary for the Global Training Institute. In March
we were in Wausau, WI for a Creation seminar. Arlo had a radio
interview which resulted in a number of new visitors coming. In April
Arlo spoke at a Home Schooling Conference in Edinburgh. IN.
In July we visited family in San Jose, CA and
Jackson, TN. On our way to and from the Bible College seminar in
Branson, MO, Arlo ministered at several churches in TN, AR, and
MO. All the family pitched in to help Sam, Kerri and Glenda get their
new house ready for move in.
In August we attended camp meeting and Arlo
spoke at churches in Carmel, Santa Rosa, Concord, Fresno and
Oceanside. We also did some Teacher Training sessions at Sacramento.
In September we were invited to take part in an IdeaFest in Ft. Lauderdale,
FL. From there we went to MN where Arlo taught
at ABI, several churches in the Minneapolis area, Grand
Rapids and Duluth. During a seminar in Stanley, WI Jane had emergency
gall bladder surgery and discovered the town of 2000 had a great 25-bed
hospital with a very capable staff. After being released
from the hospital Jane stayed in St. Paul and Arlo was able to
attend a couple of days at the General Conference in Columbus,
OH. A few days after returning to San Diego, Arlo flew to the Chicago
area and then Modesto, CA for Creation
sessions. October brought us a new family member
- Atalie Anne Moehlenpah, Sam and Kerri’s second red-haired daughter.
In November we flew to Fiji where we shared Teacher Training and Creation
sessions. From Fiji we flew to New Zealand
for the Creation series. We were able to squeeze in a couple of days
for sightseeing which included a glow worm cave. We saw lots of
grazing sheep! We heard there were 60 million sheep in
New Zealand and 4 million people. We believe it!
We had a nice Thanksgiving
with our family and
Phil and Lara Moehlenpah
and their children.
Arlo and Jane Moehlenpah