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December 2003 

March 27, Joshlyn Kate Moehlenpah was born to Sam and Kerri. She is a beautiful red-haired baby. More pictures available at 

Kerri is counseling at a family homeless shelter in downtown San Diego. She is a Clinical Coordinator. She is 200 hours away from the 3000 needed to take her exams for her counseling license.


Sam is still full time in private practice. They are both in ministry at a growing church, Family Life Christian Fellowship in Poway, They love their present position. Sam has become refocused on golfing and in the next twelve months, he hopes to beat his dad! 
Glenda’s business, Financial Bridges, is doing well. This year she was quoted in the website, the Wall Street, the San Diego Union Tribune, and the Bloomberg Wealth Manager. Barnes & Noble also used her as a consultant on a financial book they printed this year. Check out her website at


We had the opportunity to visit several times with Ed and Lina and family in the San Jose area. Ed continues to work as a contractor to Hewlett-Packard on a messaging server product.  Ed and Lina are active at their church in Mountain View, working with the married couples. Of course, Ed continues to introduce families to the sport of dirt-biking, a sport his entire family is involved in. They have pictures at

 Jaron, (5) started kindergarten. Their next-door-neighbor is his teacher. He’s doing well.

 Krista (16) and Kayla (13) returned to public school. They have adjusted well to being back in the public setting, and in general like their teachers. November 29, Krista had an accident while riding her dirt bike with the family and friends. Her helmet somehow came off when she hit the ground. She had a moderate concussion, and is still in some pain from a broken collarbone and she is wearing a restrictive cast. She hopes to return to school December 15. We are thanking the Lord for preserving and helping her.

 Jonathan, (18) graduated from high school. He is working full time at a Medical office and is planning on going to West Valley Community College in the spring. 

We’re looking forward to being together with all our family in San Jose for the Christmas week. Lina is such a splendid hostess.

Last December Arlo had a biopsy and was diagnosed with prostate cancer. We didn’t know enough about it at that time to mention it in our letter. You can read the whole story on After investigating various treatments, he made arrangements to begin proton beam therapy in May in Loma Linda, CA. However, he was prayed for and in April he asked the doctor to do another PSA test and the PSA was 2.6 (lower than it had been in years.) The doctor thought it might be a fluke or an error and wanted another one. The result?  2.01. Arlo canceled the treatment. He feels great and we are thanking the Lord for His healing touch.
Arlo has had many opportunities to minister this year in California, Minnesota, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Indiana, and Missouri. He was asked to speak at a Wesleyan church about his healing. He also spoke at the Bootheel Conference in Sikeston and the Steadfast Conference again in Indianapolis. This year he completed Study guides for Old Testament Part I (Genesis – Esther) to be a follow-up study to his New Testament study guides.


  Jane is expanding her computer skills to include the Adobe Acrobat suite of programs. We both took a course in Microsoft FrontPage, a program to develop and maintain website pages. Next, Arlo will take a course in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and Jane is enrolled for a PowerPoint Level 2 course. We really have enjoyed the challenge.  

We had our Teaching with Variety book translated into Spanish (Enseñando con Variedad). 

May God grant you a Blessed Christmas and New Year. 

Arlo and Jane Moehlenpah



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